Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jamie Thraves Case Study

Case study 1

  • Director - Jamie Thraves
  • Made short films at university
  • Used award winning short film as a "calling card" to get a "foot in the door" with the video production company factory films. Began by shooting three low budget music videos - cost about £5000 each.
This is how the process works
  • A commissioner from a record label sends a track to 5-10 directors
  • The directors then each submit a treatment
  • This stage is unpaid
  • The director who had submitted the 'best' treatment is then commissioned to make the video
  • Only then is the director paid
  • As can be seen for many directors in the business it is a precious existence where their livelihood is dependent on each commission.
  • Jamie Thraves submitted treatments for his two best known videos and each was accepted.
Case study 2
  • Jamie Thraves most recent video - Japanese video; Popstars - Song for Lisa
  • Currently videos cost about £20,000
  • Shooting time - 2 days
  • Jamie has used the music videos to get into the film business
  • Has 50 far shot 3 features
  • The low down
  • The cry of the end
  • Treade Jr
  • Jamie's tips
  • Use the lyrics but try not to be literal
  • Most importantly - go with the emotion of the lyrics
Radiohead - Just
  • £100,000 budget
  • Shot in three days
Coldplay - The Scientist
  • £200,000 budget
  • Shot in three days

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