Friday, November 23, 2012

Case Study 2

Emil Nava
  • He bagan as a runner for a film production companies.
  • Worked for blink productions
  • after working as a runner graduated to assistant director, where he would manage the video shoots.
  • He signed to Academy - who are the biggest music video production company
  • Then worked for between the eyes and now works mainly for pulse
  • He has now began to make adverts, which generally have far higher budget and production values but which allow less creative freedom
  • at the busiest emil had made 24 music videos in one year
  • When he began shooting the video for independent labels the budget would be as low as £5,000 to £10,000
  • his most expensive video to date has been for Jessie J and the budget was £160,000
  • Emil's first budget was for the band kid British and the track 'Our House'
  • budget being £20,000
  • Location - Manchester
  • Cast -local people
  • 1 day for filming
  • 2/3 days of editing
  • 10 days of pre production
  • Demonstrates the very tight timescale involved

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